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Environmental Social Responsibility
Environmental Incentives

We can all contribute; by supporting us you are protecting endangered ecosystem and ensuring the survival of their species.
Responsible companies know that resources are limited and that only working together we can conserve nature for future generations; with your daily activity you can be a more sustainable company.

Great Leaf look for people and companies which are aware of the ecological challenges of our time and feel motivated to do something about it.


Green Initiative to support Environmental Management

In order to take care of nature, individuals and companies from the public and private sectors, community or business associations, can participate and support environmental projects and obtain an honorary incentive granted by the Ministry of the Environment, Water and Ecological Transition. This distinction aims to promote, make visible, strengthen and multiply environmental initiatives, such as those led by our institution.  This is a great incentive to invest in environmental protection.

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Double Deductibility Benefit

Thanks to the new Tax Regime Law in Ecuador, you can obtain an additional deduction of 100% for your donations to programs, funds and projects for prevention, protection, conservation, bio-enterprises, restoration and environmental repair duly qualified by the environmental authority. In addition, your donations can help reduce your income tax base and support initiatives that promote sustainability.

Make a difference for the environment and your taxes!

100% of the money Great Leaf receives goes directly to driving conservation results.


Consulting and environmental monitoring

We provide advice and support in the following processes:

  • Environmental Registry

  • Environmental Compliance Report

  • Registry of Hazardous and/or Special Waste Generator

  • Annual Declaration of Registration of Generator of Hazardous and/or Special Waste

  • Environmental diagnosis

  • Establishment Inspection

  • Environmental Certificate

  • Distinctive Green Initiative 

Great Leaf Copyright © 2023

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