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It is a project that seeks to increase connectivity between green spaces within the urban area.


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It started in September 2022 with the Runner Biological, along Av. Mariana de Jesús, in order to connect the parks Rumipamba and La Carolina, located in the heart of Quito, Ecuador.

This biological corridor has been carried out by increasing the functionality of existing green spaces, such as parks, flower beds and planters.

Within these spaces, green infrastructure has been generated, such as rain gardens, pollinator gardens, green roofs and living tree wells, which make it possible to house a diversity of fauna and native vegetation, while also acting as connection points in this corridor.

Why is it important to conserve nature in the city?

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Having green infrastructure allows optimizing spaces that help to solve characteristic problems of the city, such as loss of biodiversity, runoff, increase in temperature and poor air quality. Additionally, being highly functional sites, they also act as places for recreation, contact with nature and environmental education. 

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Working hand in hand with the community.

Be part of the change,

be part of ReConectar!

This project is based on the work and involvement of the community both in areas of environmental education, as well as in the participation of citizens for the planting of plants in each of the intervened spaces. In addition, biodiversity records have been created through citizen science tools to demonstrate the biodiversity found in the area.

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How is this made possible?

Reconnect is a project conceived and managed by the Great Leaf Foundation and Nativus, started with the co-financing of the Environmental Fund and the Secretary of Environment of the Municipality of Quito.

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to the invaluable support of professionals, 

institutions and companies, which Have contributed

in different ways to achieve the objectives: Arch. MLA Paola Ayala Ulloa, Daniela Córdova – Circular Economy, EPMMOP, Quito Zoo, Fonag, Quito Vivarium, Rumipamba Archaeological Park, DHL and San Gabriel College.

Reconectar can continue thanks to the interest and generosity of companies and institutions from different areas of society. Specific donations or the development of institutional projects can contribute to achieve the objectives of restoring and increasing urban biodiversity.

For donations or the realisation of social and environmental responsibility projects, contact us at:

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Great Leaf Copyright © 2023

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